An introduction to tarot cards and how to use them

Tarot cards are a type of playing card that originated in Italy in the late 14th century. They are typically used for divination purposes and are often used in conjunction with other forms of divination such as astrology or numerology.

Tarot cards are divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each of which represents a specific archetypal energy. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, which are divided into four suits of 14 cards each.

To use tarot cards for divination, you will need to first shuffle the deck and then choose a card at random. Once you have chosen a card, you will need to interpret its meaning based on the traditional symbolism associated with that card.

Tarot cards – what are they?

Tarot cards are a type of playing card that originated in Italy in the late fourteenth century. They are used for divination and as a form of fortune telling. The tarot deck is typically made up of 78 cards, including the 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana cards. The major arcana cards represent significant life events, while the minor arcana cards represent more mundane aspects of life.

The history of tarot cards

The history of tarot cards is a long and complicated one, with many different theories and stories about their origins. Some believe that they originated in ancient Egypt, while others believe that they originated in China or India. However, the most commonly accepted theory is that they originated in Italy in the 14th century.

Tarot cards were originally used for gaming purposes, but eventually became associated with the occult and divination. In the 18th century, Antoine Court de Gébelin, a French Freemason, wrote a treatise on the symbolism of the tarot, which helped to increase its popularity. In the 19th century, the French occultist Éliphas Lévi wrote a number of books on the tarot, which also helped to increase its popularity.

The tarot is now used for a variety of purposes, including divination, meditation, and self-exploration. There are a variety of different decks available, each with its own unique symbolism and meanings.

How to use tarot cards?

Most people are familiar with playing cards, and tarot cards are similar in many ways. Tarot cards are usually larger than playing cards, and have unique pictures on them. Each tarot card has a different meaning, and when they are put together in a reading, they can give insights into a person’s life.

There are many different ways to use tarot cards. Some people use them for divination, while others use them for guidance or self-reflection. Tarot cards can be used alone or with a partner. If you are using them for divination, it is important to shuffle the deck and allow your intuition to guide you as you select the cards.

If you are using tarot cards for guidance, you may want to focus on a specific question or issue. Once you have shuffled the deck, you can either select random cards or choose specific cards that represent your question. After you have selected the cards, you can then lay them out in a spread. There are many different spreads that you can use, and you can find instructions for them online or in books about tarot.

Once you have laid out the cards, take some time to interpret their meanings. Again, there are many resources available to help you with this. After you have interpreted the cards, you can then use the insights you have gained to make decisions or take action on your question or issue.

Tips for using tarot cards

Tarot cards are a popular way to gain insights and guidance, and can be used for a variety of purposes. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your tarot readings:

  • Keep an open mind. The tarot can offer up some unexpected answers, so be prepared to go with the flow.
  • The tarot can be a powerful tool for tapping into your intuition. If a card doesn’t make sense to you, trust your gut and go with your first impression.
  • The more specific you are with your questions, the more helpful your reading will be.
  • he tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insights, but it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and be respectful of the cards and the reading process.
  • Don’t rush your reading or try to force the cards to give you a specific answer. The more you relax and go with the flow, the more accurate your reading will be.

Tuesday May Thomas

Author, Speaker, Mystic Teacher & Master Facilitator 

Tuesday Specializes in Spiritual Growth. The Grid Matrix of Collective Consciousness, Applied Metaphysics & Reiki.